The AFA and Me

It has come to my attention that the Asatru Folk Assembly (AFA) has reprinted a portion of one of my old blog posts (written several years ago, when I was still a member of the AFA) on their own website. When I realized they had done so, I asked them to take it down, because the presence of my post on their website implies a connection and endorsement that no longer exists.

Since the AFA has declined to remove my copyrighted material from their website, I thought it would be prudent to issue a clarification here.

To make things perfectly clear, I am no longer a member of the AFA and have not been for several years, I do not endorse the AFA in any way, and I completely repudiate the AFA. My previous support of the organization was made at a time when it still disavowed actual racism and actively removed White supremacists and racists from its its ranks. In my opinion, they have done enormous harm to Folkish Asatru by allowing racists and White supremacists into their organization, as Folkish does not have to equal racist.

I have removed the contents of Jon Upsal’s Garden not because I am hiding anything (as some misguided zealots have claimed), but because the posts supportive of the AFA no longer reflect my views. The posts dealing with the lore and other subjects (which actually constitute the vast majority of the contents of the blog) will eventually be re-purposed in some other forum.